The language course comprises 600 (max. 900) hours of instruction and is divided into a basic and an advanced language course.
Important topics are:
- Shopping and health
- Contact with authorities
- House hunting
- Finding a job
- Etc.
Depending on the previous knowledge already acquired, the participant will be assigned to one of the following modules. It is possible to repeat individual modules.
The basic course consists of 3 modules with each. 100 lessons. The following knowledge should reach the participants.
Module I:
The participant can understand simple sentences and frequently used expressions from the immediate everyday environment.
Module II:
The participant can communicate in simple, routine situations that involve a simple and direct exchange of information about familiar things.
Module III:
The participant can describe with simple means the “own origin” and the “education / profession”, the immediate environment in connection with immediate needs.
The structure includes 3 modules with each. 100 lessons. The following knowledge should reach the participants.
Module IV:
The participant can understand the main points when clear standard language is used and when it comes to familiar topics from work, school, leisure, etc.
Module V:
The participant can cope with most of the everyday situations that he encounters in the German-speaking area. He can express himself simply and coherently on familiar topics such as family and career and on personal areas of interest.
Module VI:
The participant can report on experiences and events, describe goals and wishes and give short justifications or explanations for plans and views.
At the end of this course, the participant has the opportunity to take the DTZ exam.
The aim
of the general language course plus orientation course with 100 lessons is to reach level A2 or B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).